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New Years Resolutions

New Years Resolutions

New Years Resolution’s

Every year this time comes around and the gym gets full of people!!  Whole foods has lines out to the street!!  Now fast forward 1-2 months and the gym has settled back down and McDonalds and Chic-Fil-A  have lines around the building.  The new year is the time of year when everyone wants to hit the reset button.  All of that is good but how do we make sure that we follow through.

Get around people that have some of the same goals!!

Going to the gym is great.  But  when you have no accountability are you going to go when you do not feel like it.     Maybe you should get a highly motivated work out partner that is going to help push you.  Martial arts is a great one because it naturally keeps you held accountable.  You have your friends in class helping you and pushing you.  Your instructors are going to push you as well.  The curriculum itself will help you as well.  To progress we need to have constant practice and steady training habits. 

A funny thing happens when we start pushing ourselves by training in the martial arts at Rock Solid Karate.  We start trying to change other areas of our life to expedite our success.  It helps you start thinking about what you eat and drink.  You would be amazed what can happen when you cut back on the beers and the sodas.  Once you begin your training you will start to make some better decisions in your every day life.  

No Excuses, No Quitting!!

Being in this industry I have heard all of the excuses in the book.  It is easy to trick ourselves into taking the easy road.  Accomplishing our goals physically means when you are tired you still push yourself to go train.  Missing one class or work out turns into 2, 3, and 4 and before you know it all you do is watch tv and eat Doritos again by the end of February.  Well work is busy, my knee hurts, I had dinner plans…….  I know it sounds strict but to accomplish what you want you have to prioritize.  Which brings me to my next point…..

Make yourself and your health a Priority

No matter what we have to find time for ourselves.  Heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol waits on nothing.  I have a schedule with your working out and do not waiver.  Let nothing get in the way of it.  If you absolutely do have to miss a class or a workout then replace with another session during the week.  When you look at those people that are in great shape…you are looking at people with great routine.  If you have a terrible cheat meal then go to the gym and do cardio to help take care of it.   If you have a Christmas party and have to miss class then go another time during the week.  If you want to be the best you can be then you have to have a regiment.   

Set Goals, Get Goals

We use this one a lot at Rock Solid Karate.  You have to set your goals for yourself and timelines to reach those goals.  If you set a goal to get your black belt and get it 10 years later you took the long road.  Set some realistic goals with a steady training schedule and accomplish them.  Also do the same for your kids.  We are at a time where child obesity numbers are through the roof.  We have to be a better example and not make excuses for our kids anymore.  We have to make sure they exercise (whether they want to or not).  Remember you are the parent and you know what’s best.  However, be a good example as well so it follows them when they are old enough to make their own decisions. Do not pull over at fast food restaurants all the time just because that is what they want.  It is not just a phase that kids grow out of.  We are doing our children a huge disservice if we always give them what they want to eat.  And lastly…

Accomplish your goals together!!

Consider training with your child and accomplishing your goals together.  In fact Rock Solid Karate is having an attendance based fitness challenge to start the new year.  You get one month FREE starting January 6th-February 6th.  We have special classes to help with fitness and also any of the adult classes are FREE for you to train in.  Help yourself and be our guest.  Tell your friends and get them in here as well.  Accountability to your goals, friends, children and instructors.  That is a recipe for SUCCESS!!

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